So cal ride sept 12 (NOW WITH PICS!!!)

Thanks for that guys! Looks like you all had a blast and a little 'wake-up' or 2... yikes!
One day I'll get to Cali - but its a long way from the great white north on 2 wheels. I've made it to northern Montana and Idaho...just gotta push it a leeeiiiittle farther! haha :)

Thanks Man...Yes we had a little excitement! We had a great time riding and hanging out.
I'm thinking about a little trailer to hook to my cage to take it on longer trips.

damnit I missed it again... I live like 30 min away from Julian.....:spank:

Well....? You have to get on here more often! We've had this thread going for a while. I'm out there riding just about once a week. Going on a little ride tomorrow morning. Leaving around 8:30ish to beat the heat.
Interested? PM me.
